will Fully Integrate with Apple Intelligence and Operate Only On/With Apple Products/Services.

February 12, 2025, San Diego, CA – Ameranth, Inc. announced its Product and the issuance of its new, #12,222,521 – ‘AI Based’ Patent – which support:

The remarkable emergence of AI and the imminent explosion of AI Agents present an exciting new reality for consumers – with unprecedented opportunities – but with daunting new risks too – requiring new and better privacy/security protections. will provide this enhanced privacy/ security by leveraging Apple’s unmatched and superior tools, extraordinary privacy/security protections, unique functionality and by Ameranth’s plan to integrate Ameranth Intelligence™ with Apple Intelligence to create new and innovative solutions and within a ‘sphere of privacy/protection’, within which consumers can both intelligently and safely navigate through and exploit the new AI world ahead. is currently under development for a tentative mid-2025 release and Ameranth is leveraging Microsoft’s Azure AI Foundry for Ameranth Intelligence™. Microsoft is an investor in Ameranth.

Integral to the product, will be a specialized ‘persona’ with a unique email address, for the AI world ahead, (separate and distinct from one’s personal/business emails) – via Ameranth’s ‘MYAI PERSONA’™ and leveraging Ameranth’s ‘MyTech Stack’™ for the total integration of the entire suite of one’s individual computers/networks/passwords/devices/database etc. Unmatched privacy will be available, with anonymity options, for selected AI pursuits/options.

Since 2005, Ameranth has pioneered machine intelligence and intelligent systems and deployed them into thousands of locations with several of the world’s largest hospitality companies – while licensing its inventions/patents to dozens of the largest restaurant, hotel, travel and event ticketing companies in the world. will, (like many of Ameranth’s prior award winning products before it,) innovate and provide visionary solutions, just as Bill Gates stated when he nominated Ameranth for one of its many technology awards: “Ameranth is one of the leading pioneers of the information age for the betterment of mankind” and Business Week, in an 2004 article described an earlier Ameranth food ordering technology as ‘not quite Star Trek’. Now with Ameranth’s new Ameranth Intelligence™ and the power of Generative AI, the ‘not quite’ itself may soon be gone.

will continually evolve/advance with new/added features, but its initial core, customer feature will be a first ever, aggregated Loyalty Management Program (LMP), across all travel and hospitality markets and programs. Ameranth’s will leverage and partner with its vast number of licenses/relationships – with nearly all of the world’s largest restaurant, hotel, ticketing and travel companies, while also exploiting all of the API’s and interfaces from its recent acquisition of ‘Revolution Ordering’. will provide a single sign on, single password, unified solution, personalized for each customer -while leveraging Ameranth Intelligence™, interoperable with the emerging AI Agents, all while providing unprecedented advantages via consolidation and all under its ‘sphere of privacy/security’. Ameranth will monitor and recommend approved AI Agents and other AI related links/resources that are best and safe – to assist/guide its users, to navigate the AI world ahead. For the first time ever, its customers will have a single organized, consolidated, fully secure/safe application, to bring into one place/application, all of one’s loyalty/reward/frequency programs, and with a single, secure password for all, if desired.

Ameranth believes that only by aligning with and leveraging the extraordinary benefits provided by Apple to all of its customers and through all of its integrated products can our full aspirations for it be achieved and that is why it is being developed exclusively for the Apple family of products/services. MYAI is being designed to utilize/leverage all or almost all of the features of iOS 18, and its unmatched features/protections, including Apple Intelligence, Private Cloud Compute (PCC), Apple ID, SIRI, Wallet, Maps, App Intents, Passwords App, OAuth2.0, end-to-end encryption and more.

is also supported by its newest patent #12,222,521 for its ‘Adaptable Computing Network With Real Time, Intelligent, 4D Spherical Scalability, Tech Stack Awareness, Tech Stack Integration, Automatic Bi-Directional Communications Channel Switching And Order Equilibrium – For Large Enterprise, Time Sensitive Event/Transaction Driven Applications’. which Includes 30 ‘AI based’ claims and new inventive concepts, uniquely conceived by Ameranth’s President, Keith McNally and supporting AI deployments, with integrated loyalty solutions and with the widespread deployments of API’s and emerging AI Agents in the hospitality/travel markets.

Ameranth’s Chairman/CEO, Mr. Vern Yates states: “Ameranth is very excited to announce its development of its new product for a mid-2025 release. We firmly believe that our bold vision for the product and our desired innovations can only be achieved, through leveraging Apple’s extraordinary technology and its shared passion with Ameranth for protecting customer privacy and as such MYAI will be available only through/with Apple’s products/services.’

Ameranth welcomes partnering inquiries for development/optimization.

About Ameranth, Inc.: The adoption and widespread licensing of Ameranth’s technology by many industry leaders/chains and the wide acclaim received by Ameranth for its technological innovations are just some of the many confirmations of the breakthrough aspects of Ameranth’s inventions. Ameranth has also received twelve different technology awards, and it has been widely recognized as a hospitality wireless/internet/AI technology leader. Partnering and/or integration inquiries should be directed to Betsy Eicherly, Ameranth’s Vice President/CFO at (858-362-0150), beicherly@ameranth.com or to Ameranth’s President, Keith McNally at kmcnally@ameranth.com, www.ameranth.com.

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